ChemOutsourcing Exhibitor
Adesis was an exhibitor at...
Adesis Joins DESCA
Adesis joins Delaware Sustainable Chemistry Alliance...
Adesis Joins SOCMA
Adesis has become a member of SOCMA, the Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates, Inc. Adesis is one of the few smaller specialty...
Aldrich Chemical Company Collaboration
Adesis, Inc. and Aldrich Chemical Company have agreed to a collaboration that enables Adesis to feature select products from its Adesis...
20/20 Pharma Whitepaper
Adesis has a Whitepaper, "Orthogonally-functionalized Pyridines from a Drug Discovery and Optimization Perspective", featured on 20/20...
Spring 2011 ACS Meeting
Meet Adesis at the Spring ACS meeting - Booth...
New Distribution Partner, Chemie Brunschwig
Adesis is proud to announce that Chemie Brunschwig is a new distribution partner located in Switzerland, effective January 1,...